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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Arrow 4x22 – Lost in the Flood | Review

Download Arrow 4x22 – Lost in the Flood | Review

SPOILERS/NSFW - DC on SCREEN #181 - Arrow 4x22 – Lost in the Flood | Review - Arrow and Spartan watch Damien Darhk absorbing souls from the nuking of Havenrock, but get beat down and spared as Damien wants them to feel the skin melting when he regains control of Rubicon. Felicity doesn’t have time for dwelling on all the lives she extinguished, but Donna has time to be butt-hurt and bicker with Felicity’s dad (she’s also upset because Felicity tells her she works with Green Arrow—which I thought Donna already knew). Damien enlists Felicity’s Star Trek-quoting ex Cooper Seldon to hack back control of Rubicon, but Curtis and Felicity defeat him to humorous effect. Also, Ollie and John follow a text from Thea to the underground Tevat Noah where they fight ghosts and talk to denizens who didn’t take the yellow pills because they think Damien Darhk gave them more hope than Green Arrow did. Well, alright then. Ollie fights a mind-controlled Thea, brings her back to her senses, while Dig fights Malcolm Merlyn. Anarky meanwhile takes over the Tevat Noah command center, people fight, there’s a stray arrow, and the next thing you know, Ruve Darhk is dead, and the whole ark is destroyed with Damien and Ruve’s mysteriously unnamed and silent daughter saved. Meanwhile, Donna pressures Noah to leave (and he does). But before they fret over that development too much, Damien walks in, and he his pissed.

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