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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Legends of Tomorrow 2x03 – Shogun | Recap & Review

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SPOILERS/NSFW - DC on SCREEN #238  -  Legends of Tomorrow 2x03 – Shogun | Recap & Review
After the death of Rex Tyler, Vixen boards the Waverider looking for vengeance. Nate wakes up and showcases his new Citizen Steel powers in time to stop her from killing Rory. Sara orders Ray to help Nate understand his new powers, but the session gets out of hand and the two go overboard, stranding themselves in feudal Japan. Sara convinces Vixen that no one on the ship killed Hourman, then hits the streets with Vixen and in search of Ray and Nate. Victor and Jefferson repair the ship so quickly that they have time to hunt down Captain Hunter’s secret compartment. In it they find a message from 2056 Barry Allen which they listen to and then heroically vow not to repeat. Back in feudal Japan, Ray loses his suit to a warlord. He escapes and finds the team, but they’re no match for a warlord in an Atom Suit. They retreat, find Nate and his new lady-friend, and decide their best option is to defend her village from her warlord suitor. Vixen, Sara and Mick defend the villagers, Ray dons some old school armor for a final showdown and Nate has performance issues. But in the nick of time Nate Steels On and destroys the suit that Ray spent billions of dollars and countless hours developing.  Also, the villagers they were protecting? Katana’s ancestors.
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Arrow 5x04 – Penance | Recap & Review

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SPOILERS/NSFW - DC on SCREEN #237 - Arrow 5x04 – Penance | Recap & Review –
The new team tries their best to stop Oliver from busting John out of military prison,  but instead Oliver hands them their asses. With Lyla’s help he busts in and convinces a reluctant Diggle to return to the team and serve his penance as part of Team Arrow. In his absence, Oliver’s new recruits try to take down Church after his raid on a baited evidence locker, which goes okay until Curtis gets shot and Wild Dog is taken hostage by Church. Oliver returns and vows to find Rene. Meanwhile, Adrian Chase decides that masks and vigilantes might be pretty useful, and the flashbacks show us the final chapters of Oliver’s Bratva initiation.
Oh, and Ragman quits the team until Felicity talks to him! Now he’s back and causing logic problems for the show!
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The Flash 3x04 – The New Rogues | Recap & Review

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SPOILERS/NSFW - DC on SCREEN #236 - The Flash 3x04 – The New Rogues | Recap & Review
Jesse and Harry are still around and training, which has turned Barry into Oliver. Wally and Jesse are getting closer, which has turned Harry into a curmudgeonly father. Cisco, Caitlin and Harry agree that Harry will need to leave soon and must be replaced, which turns their group into a trans-dimensional fishing expedition. Barry and Iris are finally getting romantic, which is just plain freaking Joe out, which is in turn freaking Barry out. Also, Sam Scudder, aka the Mirror Master, has been inadvertently released from his reflective period and wants revenge against Leonard Snart. He finds his old love, now known as Top, discovers that Snart is out of the picture, and goes on a mirror-themed crime spree, eventually trapping the Flash in a mirror. Harry and Cisco try to free Barry but their freezer-themed technology isn’t powerful enough so, Caitlin has to sneak in and crank up the frost. Barry stops Mirror Master, Jesse stops Top, Caitlin keeps her secret, and the fishing expedition finds a new Harry who wants to be called HR likes Big Belly Burger just as much as Earth 2 Harry.
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Supergirl 2x03 – Welcome to Earth | Recap & Review

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SPOILERS/NSFW - DC on SCREEN #235 - Supergirl 2x03 – Welcome to Earth | Recap & Review
Supergirl saves Wonder Woman- I mean Madam President, from seemingly Kryptonian fireballs. Alex’s investigation of the incident finds a new, frustrating local talent, Detective Maggie Sawyer, but also finds Mon-El, who is from the dreaded planet Daxam. Supergirl assumes the worst because Daxamites are, just, the worst, but reverses her stance when another assassination attempt ensues with Mon-El behind bars the whole time. With the help of Alex and Detective Sawyer they stop Scorcher, who thinks the Alien Amnesty Bill is just a cheap cover for Alien Registration.  Meanwhile, Snapper Carr gives James Olsen trouble in his first meeting, but after a pep-talk from Kara,  James shuts that shit down.  Afterward, Kara digs Air Force One so President Wonder Woman says Kara should see her OTHER jet (but she can’t—it’s invisible)! Then the President is revealed to the audience to be an alien!  Finally, after all this talk about alien rights and the discovery of a dive bar full of them, Hank decides to branch out and have a beer, only to discover the last daughter of Mars.
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Lucifer 2x05 – Weaponizer | Recap & Review

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SPOILERS/NSFW - Lucifer 2x05 – Weaponizer | Recap & Review
Uriel, little brother to Amenadiel and Lucifer, shows up to take momma home, once and for all. Amenadiel tries to stop him with pure swagger and gets his not-so-angelic-anymore ass kicked. He then has to reveal to Lucifer that he’s fallen, because, pick a sin. Lucifer takes it upon himself to upend Uriel and only briefly succeeds before Uriel’s pattern-seeking superpowers give him the upper hand.  Uriel refuses to kill Lucifer with the newly acquired Sword of Azrael, but doesn’t mind killing the demonic Maze, who arrives in hopes of punching Lucifer to safety. Maze is bested, but Lucifer manages to shank Uriel with Azrael’s sword, erasing him from both life and the afterlife. Lucifer, in a haze of shock and sorrow, embraces his mother.
There was also a procedural story where Lucifer and Chloe tried to solve the murder of an 80’s action star that both Lucifer and Dan were really enthusiastic about. It has Asian Magneto from Agents of SHIELD, Cordelia from Buffy, and Hermes from Futurama.  It tied in with the better story because Lucifer was aware the Uriel was trying to off Chloe through causation patterns.
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Gotham 3x06 – Mad City: Follow The White Rabbit | Recap & Review

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SPOILERS,NSFW - DC on SCREEN #233 - Gotham 3x06 – Follow The White Rabbit

The Mad Hatter kicks off his campaign of retribution against James Gordon, who blindly follows a poetic, whitely-dressed man around the streets of Gotham City hoping to track down the dangerous criminal. He soon discovers that Tetch’s plans are to lead him through a homicidal landscape of horrors as he pits the detective up against a series of impossible choices, culminating in a tea party in which James is forced to choose whether new flame Valerie Vale or old love Leslie Tompkins should survive the meal. Gordon opts for Hatter to shoot Lee, so obviously, Hatter shoots Valerie, who survives thanks to the surgical skills of Lee’s gangster-family and blank-shooting fiancé. Meanwhile, Penguin has discovered his true feelings for Nygma. Unfortunately for Pengers, the doppleganger of Nygma’s first love shows up and doesn’t appear to know or care that he strangled the living-shit out of either her or her look-a-like.
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Thursday, October 27, 2016

'Batman: The Animated Series' Batmobile Deluxe Edition Unboxing | Video

Out of the goodness of his heart, Matt Carroll of the Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast decided to gift David C. Roberson of DC on SCREEN Podcast with the Batman: The Animated Series Batmobile Deluxe Edition Set. This is the unboxing video of that item!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Wonder Woman Turns 75 & Aquaman Will Be Swashbuckling Into Theaters | News

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 SPOILERS/NSFW - DC on SCREEN Episode #232 - In This Episode, Dave & Jason Discuss:
Wonder Woman Turned 75 |
Green Arrow Turns 75 in November! |
Batman Co-Creator Bob Kane Birthday |
Ryan Reynolds Turned 40 |
Steve Dillon, Iconic Preacher and Punisher Artist Dead @ 54|
AT&T Purchases Time Warner for $85.4 Billion Dollars |
WB/IMAX Extend Partnership To Include More DC Movies |
Batman v Superman Close to Dominating Age of Ultron in Blu Ray Sales |
Batman v Superman Concept Art Featuring Mech Batsuit |
Suicide Squad Box office Update |
Learn the Exact Run-Time of Suicide Squad: The Extended Cut |
Jason Momoa Smashes Aquaman Ice Scultpure |
Gal Gadot Says Her Justice League Castmates Are Their Characters | recent interview with HeyUGuys
Zack Snyder Released New Picture of Wonder Woman |
Wan Says He’s in a Position of Power |
Aquaman to Be a Swashbuckling Adventure |
Ben Affleck Updates on ‘The Batman’ |
Alan Tudyk Explains Why There's No Powerless Yet |
Adam West  Wants a Role in The Batman |
Superman Spin-Off Coming? |
Supergirl Bringing Intergang? |
Mark Hamill in Jokester Garb |
Why Only One Episode of Flashpoint? |
Arrow 100th Episode Title Revealed! |
Guggenheim Talks The New Arrow Team | Christina Radish @ Collider
Guggenheim Talks Sara Lance as Captain & The Mystery of Rip Hunter |
Citizen Steel Instagrammed! |
Return to Arkham Has Officially Launched on XBOX ONE and PS4 |
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Sunday, October 23, 2016

Legends of Tomorrow 2x02 - The Justice Society of America | Recap & Review

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SPOILERS/NSFW - DC on SCREEN #231 - Legends of Tomorrow 2x02 – The Justice Society of America | Recap & Review
In Nazi-occupied Paris, the Legends get their asses handed to them by The Justice Society of America.  The JSA finds out the Legends are from the future, that Nate Heywood is Commander Steel’s grandson, and that Rex showed up, warned them not to come to 1942, and then fizzled out of history.  Eobard Thawne shows up and offers the Nazis a super-soldier serum in exchange for an item of some sort.Nate Haywood notices his grandfather’s dog tags that he wears around his neck are missing.  They’ve been erased from history because something has now changed: his grandfather and the JSA  dies the next day, which means he will soon stop existing.The legends insert themselves into a Nazi night club, where the JSA are undercover, and start a brawl thanks to Ray not wanting to heil Hitler. Nate Heywood is discovered to be a hemophiliac, which means his blood can’t clot—a reason he was so taken with the Legends and with the stories of his grandfather—Baron Krieger uses Thawne’s super soldier serum to become a super-nazi hulk while the Legends and JSA ambush a Nazi convoy.  Everyone gets out but Ray and Vixen.Sara is put in charge by Stein, who buckles under pressure and feels that Sara is more equipped to be leader.  Ray makes a deal to make more super solider serum.The JSA/Legends mount a rescue mission, and Nate almost gets killed.  He actually won’t even heal from his hemophilia until Ray gives him an altered form of the super-serum. Now it looks like he will get powers.Finally, Rex places the amulet inside the JSA museum room, but Eobard Thawne comes, steals the amulet, and seemingly kills Rex Tyler!
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Arrow 5x03 - A Matter of Trust | Recap & Review

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SPOILERS/NSFW - DC on SCREEN #230 - Arrow 5x03 – A Matter of Trust | Recap & Review
 Oliver still doesn’t trust his new team—he doesn’t feel they are ready.  Meanwhile, a new drug dealer, Garret Runnels, is making some next level shit called Stardust.  In an over-zealous fit, Wild Dog drags Evelyn Sharpe into a recon mission that turns into a full-on battle that ends in Runnels falling into a vat of chemicals that makes him impervious to pain.  With the city thinking him dead, Runnels begins a new mission to make an army like himself.
Oliver as Mayor is being dragged through the dirt as the media is having a field day with him appointing alcoholic Quentin Lance as Deputy mayor, then with him not knowing about the appointment in the first place.  Thea offers to resign from her position since the media problem was her mistake, and Oliver, having learned to trust his new team in the Runnels mission, keeps her aboard and stands by Quentin.
Oh, and Felicity tells Rory that it was she who directed the nuke to his home town of Havenrock.
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The Flash 3x03 - Magenta | Recap & Review

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SPOILERS/NSFW - DC on SCREEN #229 - The Flash 3x03 – Magenta | Recap & Review
Jesse and Harry make their way back to Earth One, and find that things have changed.  They therefore know that Barry mucked with the timeline.  Jesse has gained speedster powers, and Harry doesn’t want Jesse to become a superhero.  She wants nothing more.  Wally’s disappointed Jesse got powers after getting hit with the dark matter, and he didn’t.  He has dreams about getting powers just like Magenta does, and seems to be bent on getting speedster abilities any way he can.  Magenta, was created by Dr. Alchemy, hospitalizes her abusive foster father, and almost drops a freaking ship on the hospital to do away with him once and for all!  Luckily, The Flash and Jesse Quick were there to stop her!  After helping Flash save the hospital, Harry gives Jesse his blessing—and a badass new suit! Also, cute Iris and Barry things happen.
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Supergirl 2x02 - The Last Children of Krypton | Recap & Review

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SPOILERS/NSFW - DC on SCREEN #228 - Supergirl 2x02 - The Last Children of Krypton | Recap & Review
James temporarily has Cat’s job!  Kara doesn’t have a job! At least that’s what her mean new boss Snapper Carr says! The mysterious stranger from the Kryptonian pod is sapping the DEO’s power to heal!  And there are TWO Metallos!  CADMUS unleashes them on Superman and Supergirl after announcing their alien-killing selves to the world.  Also in this episode, J’onn and Superman debate J’onn’s keeping Kryptonite.  Of course, Cadmus got their hands on Kryptonite because the DEO has a mole.  Alex and Winn figure out who it is, and stop them, then Alex, who feels left out since Clark’s been around, talks about her feelings with Kara and wears that mech armor from last season to help Kara and Clark fight the Metallos with J’onn in tow.
In the end, J’onn lets Clark destroy the rest of the DEO kryptonite, Clark goes back to Metropolis, Supergirl says goodbye to Cat, and lets the pod traveler know that when he wakes up, she’ll be there to help guide him… and of course, he wakes up, and starts choking her!
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Lucifer 2x04 - Lady Parts | Recap & Review

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SPOILERS/NSFW - DC on SCREEN #227 - Lucifer 2x04 - Lady Parts | Recap & Review
It’s girls' night out after Maze convinces Chloe to come out for drinks—of course, Ella and Linda show up.  Chloe gets uncharacteristically wasted, but is still focused on the deaths of two girls … Lucifer, Dan, and Amenadiel also investigate the deaths at sex parties, and Amenadiel gets wasted.  We also learn that Lucifer promised to send Mom back to hell for Chloe’s life, and since Lucifer hasn’t made good on his part of the bargain, Chloe’s life may be forfeit.  Also, Chloe agreed to be Maze’s roommate when she was drunk.
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Gotham 3x05 - Anything for You | Recap & Review

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SPOILERS/NSFW - DC on SCREEN #226 - Gotham 3x05 - Anything for You | Recap & Review
Captain Barnes begins to heal quickly from his wounds, and it most certainly is from Alice’s blood!  Butch leads the Red Hood Gang in hopes of killing them all to regain Penguin’s good graces!  Ed figures it out, sabotages Butch’s plan, and forces him to expose himself as the leader in front of everyone.  Penguin wants to kill Butch, but Tabitha saves him.  Bruce hires Jim to investigate the disappearance of Ivy—who decides to toy with Selina at Penguin’s party at The Sirens.  And Jervis tetch has really lost his shit, dressing some random girl up as Alice and slitting her throat!
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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Batman Shoots in the Spring! | News

Download Batman Shoots in the Spring! | News

SPOILERS/NSFW - DC on SCREEN #225 - Batman Shoots in the Spring! | News - In this news episode, Dave and Jason discuss:
WB Slates Two Untitled WB Event Films |
Zack Snyder Started His Facebook Page |
Suicide Squad How It Should Have Ended |
Suicide Squad Launches ARGUS Viral Site |
Suicide Squad beats Deadpool Internationally |
Joker Climbs the Walls in BTS Photo |
Wonder Woman International Trailer Dropped |
Wonder Woman Joins the UN |
Gal Gadot Responds to Wonder Woman’s Sexuality |
Wonder Woman Will Be Very Different DCEU Film |
Deborah Snyder and Patty Jenkins Talks Wonder Woman |
Diane Lane Reveals How Jason Momoa Prepares for Aquaman |
Jason Momoa Posts Pics of Him Ben Affleck |
Jason Momoa Says Goodbye to the Justice League Gym |
Marc McClure Might Be in Justice League |
Mera Picture Released |
Anna Kendrick Wants to Be Robin | After Hours with Josh Horowitz
Joe M Says Batman Shoots in SPRING |
The Previous Seasons Gotham and DCTV Shows on Netflix |
Burt Ward Wants to Be on Gotham |
How Everyone Reacts to Supergirl |
James Olsen to Become Guardian |
New Supergirl Trailer Teases Crisis Shot |
New Supergirl Poster |
Kevin Smith Says His Episode of Supergirl Is Biggest Thing He’s Ever Done |
Concept Art for The Rival, Black Siren, and Kid Flash Dropped |
CW Showrunners Tease Crossover |
Time to Meet Caitlin’s Mom! |
Kim Miles directed the episode written by Zack Stentz.
Matt Ryan Is Open to Playing Constantine Again |
Guillermo del Toro Has Standing Invitation to Direct Arrow |
Cody Rhodes Released a Pic of Samson |
Trailer for Matter of Trust |
Brandon Routh Poses With Bulletproof and Supergirl |
Krypton Adds Cast Members |
Batman ’66 Concept Art |
Batman ’66 Meets Wonder Woman ’77 |
New Wonder Woman Film in Works |
Upcoming Animated Films on the Horizon |
Batman: The Telltale Series Drops Episode 3 Oct 25th |
Matthew Perry Talks About, Shows Batman Room |
Bradly Cooper and Jared Leto Were Almost Green lantern |

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Sunday, October 16, 2016

Legends of Tomorrow 2x01 - Out of Time | Recap & Review

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SPOILERS/NSFW - DC on SCREEN #224 - Legends of Tomorrow 2x01 - Out of Time | Recap & Review -
Historian and self-proclaimed Time Detective Hank Heywood uncovers the presence of the Legends in various times throughout recorded history, and hits Oliver Queen up after deducing the true identity of the Green Arrow.  They find the Waverider and Mick in the Atlantic Ocean, having been in stasis since 1942.  Mick tells them the story of how the team captured Albert Einstein, stopped Damien Darhk from using an atomic bomb on New York City, and found themselves scattered throughout time.  Mick and Heywood rescue the team, but cannot find Rip Hunter. What’s worse,  it looks like they’re about to get a beat-down from the Justice Society of America!
Oh, and Eobard Thawne and Damien Darhk are playing together.
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Arrow 5x02 – The Recruits | Recap & Review

Download Arrow 5x02 – The Recruits | Recap & Review

SPOILERS/NSFW - DC on SCREEN #223 - Arrow 5x02 – The Recruits – Oliver and Felicity fight over how to train some new Recruits.  Curtis, Wild Dog, Evelyn Sharp.  OIiver wants to train them the way the Bratva trained him while Felicity feels the situation requires more trust.  Meanwhile, Ragman, the only survivor of the Havenrock bombing on Genesis Day begins his reign of vengeance on Star City as Diggle uncovers some shady shit in Chechnya and gets himself framed!
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The Flash 3x02 - Paradox | Recap & Review

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SPOILERS/NSFW - DC on SCREEN #222 - The Flash 3x02 - Paradox | Recap & Review
With help from Jay Garrick, the Flash of Earth-3, Barry realizes that he cannot restore the timeline.  Iris never forgave Joe for lying about her mother’s death, Cisco lost his brother Dante (and won’t forgive Barry for not going back in time to save him), and Edward Clariss, the Rival of the Flashpoint Universe somehow remembers everything, and has his powers.  To salvage his life, Barry missions to inform the team of his terrible decision, and convince them all to pull together to help him stop Clariss.  Of course, there’s also Dr. Alchemy, the bizarre husks being left around town, Barry’s office mate Julian Albert who hates and distrusts him, and Caitlin’s Killer secret.
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Supergirl 2x01 - The Adventures of Supergirl | Recap & Review

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SPOILERS/NSFW - DC on SCREEN #221 - Supergirl 2x01 - The Adventures of Supergirl | Recap & Review
A maybe-kryptonian pod crashes in national city! The DEO (with Winn’s help) takes it to study the craft and its alien passenger!   Meanwhile, a space shuttle is sabotaged!  Supergirl and Superman both show up to stop it from crashing!  Cat demands Kara figure out what job she wants while James tries to figure out if Kara is still feeling the whole dating thing between them.  Clark and Kara investigate Lena Luthor, and realize she was the target of the space shuttle attack, not the perpetrator! Thanks Lex. Even has pull behind bars.  At the end, Winn has a new job with the DEO, Kara is a single reporter, and John Corben, failed assassin for Lex Luthor, finds himself at Cadmus with a new moniker: Metallo.
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Lucifer 2x03 - Sin-Eater | Recap & Review

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SPOILERS/NSFW - DC on SCREEN #220 - Lucifer 2x03 - Sin-Eater | Recap & Review
Someone’s running around punishing people and posting video of it online! Lucifer obviously wants to take the person who’s imitating him out of the game.  Their investigation takes them to a social media upstart, Wobble where Leila Simms, played by Robin Givens helps them figure out who could be killing people… until it looks like it’s her.  But of course it’s not. It’s Ray, the head of human resources who wears a Def Leppard shirt. Because we saw him for a couple of minutes.  And we were supposed to be distracted by Robin Givens.
In other news, Chloe and Dan decide to get divorced (I thought they already were), Amenadiel hides his worsening condition from Maze, and comes for a visit to find Charlotte instead of Lucifer, while Lucifer decides to punish their mother by making her stay Charlotte.  No one knows that she has super powers, of course.
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Gotham 3x04 – New Day Rising | Recap & Review

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SPOILERS/NSFW - DC on SCREEN #219 - Gotham 3x04 – New Day Rising | Recap & Review
Jervis Tetch recruits the Terrible Tweeds, a Luchador wrestling team of brothers to help him in his quest to get his sister Alice back.
Meanwhile, Jim can’t stop trying to off himself whenever he hears something that sounds like a clock.  Tetch’s hypnotism still at play.   Jim beats the hold over Tetch, and Alice winds up dead.
Penguin is running a bang-up campaign for mayor, but he doesn’t want to leave anything up to chance.  Edward doesn’t think Penguin needs to bribe anyone to get the votes, and shows Penguin how much the city loves him—making Edward the go-to over Butch for the chief-of-staff position .
Bruce and Alfred look for Doppleganger Bruce.
Doppleganger Bruce hangs out with Selena, gets discovered and gets a kiss. Then rubs it in Bruce’s face, the dick! But then he gets grabbed by that wily court of owls!
Oh! And Barnes gets infected with Alice’s blood!
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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders | Review

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SPOILER FREE FIRST, THEN SPOILERS/NSFW - DC on SCREEN #218 - Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders | Review - Travel back in time with Dave and Jason as they discuss the new animated continuation of William Dozier's Batman starring Adam West, Burt Ward, and Julie Newmar! We'll talk the most famous cads of the criminal underworld, replication rays, bat rockets, and anti-gravity fight scenes complete with "Swooosh" onomatopoeia! This loving sequel/homage to the classic Batman television series keeps its tongue firminly in cheek while jabbing at the darker iterations of Batman we've seen the last few decades. If you haven't seen it yet, there is a spoiler-free review at the beginning of the podcast!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Justice League Sizzles While The Batman Fizzles | News

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SPOILERS/NSFW - DC on SCREEN #217 - Justice League Sizzles While The Batman Fizzles | News
There Is No Batman Movie Yet |
Suicide Squad Gets an Extended Cut |
Trailer for Extended Cut Shows Lots of Joker and Harley |
Leto Gave Skrillex a Dildo |
Kent Farm House Destroyed |
Affleck Confirmed to Be Shooting in Iceland |
JL Sizzle Reel from Zack Snyder |
Chris Pine Explains His Role in Wonder Woman |
“Make Gotham Safe Again” Campaign Running |
Superhero Fight Club 2.0 Full Video Released |
Supergirl Trailer w/ Superman |
Honest Trailers – The Flash |
Arrow Season 4 is Now on Netflix |
The Flash Plays Major Role in Future |
William Shatner to Play Two-Face in Sequel to Return of the Caped Crusaders |
Who Would Adam West Have Liked to Have Had On? |
Matthew perry has a Batman Room |
DC Legends Announcement |
Review us on iTunes for a chance to win a trade paperback, DVD, or Blu Ray valued at $15 or less!

Arrow 5x01 - Legacy | Recap & Review

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SPOILERS/NSFW - DC on SCREEN #216 - Arrow 5x01 - Legacy | Recap & Review - Ollie is Mayor, but he’s not doing a very good job of it. Thea is covering for him a lot, and finding herself flourishing in the role. Felicity is the only person still helping with nightly crime fighting activities, but is hard pressed to convince Ollie that the old team isn’t coming back, that he should move on and train new people—such as all the new vigilantes running around town having been inspired by the Green Arrow. Ollie’s kidnapped at the unveiling of Laurel’s Black Canary statue. Tobias Church really wants to take Green Arrow down. Lance pulls himself out of the bottle to pull some strings and get a police task force in hand to help take Church down. In flashbacks, Russians tell Oliver an old proverb that lines up with what he needs to remember in the present while setting up the bratva story. Oh, and Felicity is dating Detective Billy Malone.

The Flash 3x01 – Flashpoint | Recap & Review

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SPOILER/NSFW - DC on SCREEN # 215 - The Flash 3x01 – Flashpoint | Recap & Review - Since saving his mother from Eobard Thawne, Barry has imprisoned Thawne in an ill-defined  speed dampening chamber made of glass and metal bars, and has spent the last three months living with his parents.  There’s a new Flash in town, Kid Flash (Wally), and he’s working with Iris to take down crime in Central City—which just so happens to be primarily this cat named Edward Clariss, The Rival.
Joe’s an alcoholic, Cisco is a billionaire, Caitlin is a children’s eye doctor, Julio Mendes is police Captain, and Barry is losing his memories of the original timeline every time he uses his speed.
With Wally on the brink of death from a battle with the Rival, Barry decides he has to let Thawne kill his mother.  Returning to his own time, however, Barry finds that things are not how he left them.
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Lucifer 2x02 – Liar, Liar, Slutty Dress on Fire | Recap & Review

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SPOILER/NSFW - DC on SCREEN #214 - Lucifer 2x02 – Liar, Liar, Slutty Dress on Fire | Recap & Review - Lucifer’s mother, after popping up in various fresh corpses all over town, finally possesses a woman named Charlotte, who  doesn’t get immediately re-killed, and finds Lucifer.  Lucifer is of course untrusting of his mother, believing she most likely killed people left and right on her way to find him.
Lucifer leaves Maze to watch Charlotte while he and Chloe investigate the murders she was involved in/the victim of.  They also argue about how to raise Trixie.
Elsewhere, Amenadiel and Linda get into a kerfuffle over his posing as a therapist last season, but ultimately leaves things as friends. Which is nice since it appears he’s dying.

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Gotham 3x03 - Mad City: Look Into My Eyes | Recap & Review

Download Gotham 3x03 - Mad City: Look Into My Eyes | Recap & Review

SPOILER/NSFW - DC on SCREEN #213 - Gotham 3x03 -  Mad City: Look Into My Eyes | Recap & Review - Hypnotist Jervis Tetch comes to Gotham searching for his sister Alice, a girl who apparently has the ability to infect people with SOMETHING by touching them.  Jervis hires Gordon to find her.  Gordon does, and also finds Lee’s new fiancé along the way: a new doctor in town, who unbeknownst to Jim, is the son of The Roman, Carmine Falcone.
Penguin meanwhile decides he is going to run for Mayor against Aubrey James, and also that he needs to get Ed Nygma out of Arkham.
Over at Wayne Manor, the Bruce doppleganger finds that he can’t feel pain (but can feel hunger apparently), and begins to act like Bruce to get close to Selina.
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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

And They Shall Call It 'THE BATMAN' | News

Download And They Shall Call It 'THE BATMAN' | News

SPOILERS/NSFW - DC on SCREEN #212 - And They Shall Call It 'THE BATMAN' | News - In this episode, Dave and Jason discuss:
TDK Batsuit and BatPod Sold At Auction |
Asa Butterfield Wants to be in DCEU |
Jeff Bewkes Says Batman Movie is a Year and a Half Out |
Ben Affleck Reviews Batman v Superman |
BvS & Man of Steel Box Set |
Alternate Designs for Aquaman’s Trident & Wonder Woman’s Sword Released |
Batman v Batman Trailer |
Suicide Squad Passed into 50 Highest Grossing Movies, Beat Iron Man |
Jai Courtney Talks Suicide Squad Reviews, The Flash |
Fifty Shades of Joker parody |
Alternate Costume Designs Online |
The Flash Director Teases Script and Cyborg |Justice League Shooting at Kent Farm |
Amy Adams on Using Imagination in Justice League |
Justice League Wraps Leavesden |Ezra Miller Is Excited For Fantastic beasts and Justice League |
Ben Affleck Confirms Title to be The Batman |
Joe Manganiello Starts Research into Deathstroke |
Affleck Explains Why Deathstroke |
Snyder Released Picture That Hints at Deathstroke in Justice League |
Morena Baccarin Talks Love Quadrangle |
Clark and Kara Team Up in New Supergirl Video |
Dominators to Invade Earth in CW Crossover |
Supergirl Gets Brought In to CW Fight Club |
Extended CW Sizzle Reel |
Run Devil Run Extended Trailer |
Questions with Tom Felton |
Tom Cavanagh on Flashpoint Changes to Wells |
John Wesley Shipp On Playing Jay Garrick as Barry 25 Years Later |
Deathstroke Coming to Arrow 100th |
Arrow Season 5 Meet The Team Trailer |
Wendy Mericle on Bringing Laurel back |
Guggenheim: New Arrow Costume, New Police Sketch by Neal Adams |
Diggle’s Helmet Looks Dope |
Guggenheim Tweets Vigilante George Perez Police Sketch |
Stephen Amell Tweets Schedule |
Cody Rhodes Role Revealed |
Echo Kellum Says They Got All Arrow Business Done in the Crossover |
First JSA Photo for Legends of Tomorrow |
Lance Henriksen Confirms He’s GL’s Son |Krypton Casts Cameron Cuffe as Seg-El |
Justice League Dark First Group Photo |
Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders Limited Edition Blu Ray |
Mike MIgnola Animated New Gods Designs |
Wonder Woman Sexuality |

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Gotham 3x02 - Mad City: Burn the Witch | Recap & Review

Download Gotham 3x02 - Mad City: Burn the Witch | Recap & Review
SPOILERS/NSFW - DC on SCREEN #211 - Gotham 3x02 - Mad City: Burn the Witch | Recap & Review Gordon and Vale track down Fish Mooney… who has in turn kidnapped Bullock and forced him to tell her the location of Professor Hugo Strange in hopes that he can save her from death… And raise her an army of monsters... Penguin is causing a hub-bub, getting angry mobs together to do what he claims the police can’t – kill Fish and the Indian Hill monsters. At the end of the day, the police, penguin, and penguin’s mob show up where the government and police are holding Strange to get Fish once and for all. Jim sneaks in, makes a deal with Fish to save Bullock, and delivers her into the hands of Penguin. Fish talks her way out of death by Oswald, though. Somewhere in there, we have the new Ivy who murders a nice guy who didn’t water some plants. Also happening this episode, Bruce has a meeting with a ghoulish representative of the Court of Owls named… Catherine? Oh… okay. But she’s still scary enough to make Bruce agree to stop investigating them, Indian Hill, his parents’ murders… pretty much he has to promise to butt out and be a freaking kid. Except when he gets back home, doppleganger shows up. In the end, Jim and Valerie finally break all of the two-episode sexual tension and get down while Lee Thompkins gets off a train in the 1940s… or present day Gotham. I think that’s what we were supposed to see.

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